Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Little About Us

This blog is all about food for the kiddos! I have a little one who is just beginning his adventure in eating. He is beyond the baby food stage and is starting to have an opinion about what he does and does not eat. I made all of his baby food and he was a champion eater 'till he turned one. I started to get SO frustrated with him! I've realized though that he is his own person with his own little idea of what is and isn't yummie. So be it, right? Parenting is all about teaching our children. Well, I need to teach my son to make healthy smart choices when it comes to food. That also means I need to start learning to make smart healthy choices too! eek! =) I guess he and I will learn together. I don't want the highchair to be a battle field either. Food is fun! It is yummie! It is what keeps us moving!

This blog is hopefully going to be my outlet for my success's and failures, my frustrations and joys. I hope that it will be an encouragement to all the other moms out there who are trying to teach there little ones healthy, smart eating habits! With out making the high chair a battle! Best of luck to you all. We moms have to stick together and encourage each other, right?


trink said...

Both of my boys have been such good eaters that when something didn't get gobbled up in just seconds I was concerned. Now I know that all of their food things are phases. We go back and forth between liking and not liking bananas and about 10 other foods. As my mom always told me... when they are hungry, they will eat! Love the blog! Caitlin ditto

Jillian said...


I have a quick question about your blog, do you think you could e-mail me?
